24年T50峰会 11月25日




李达 朱冰伟 郭国川 张宁 康光 胡亚男

河北省沥青路面智能装备工程技术研究中心 廊坊德基机械科技有限公司

摘要:本文以间歇式沥青混合料搅拌设备双电机多层振动筛为例,对振动筛筛芯振动梁进行理论分析,并且利用HyperMesh与ANSYS Workbench对振动梁进行静力学、模态与疲劳分析。振动梁理论计算结果与静力学分析线性化后的结果接近,理论计算可以作为初步设计手段;模态分析得振动梁固有频率远远大于工作频率,不会发生共振;疲劳分析得到振动梁的工作应力、疲劳寿命与安全系数,并在满足寿命要求情况下进行最大循环应力分析,振动梁满足使用要求。


Finite element analysis of vibration beam of linear shaker with double motor

  • LI Da  GUO Guo Chuan  ZHU Bing Wei  ZHANG Ning

Abstract:In this paper, the double-motor multilayer vibrating screen of intermittent asphalt mixing equipment is taken as an example,The vibration beam of vibrating screen core is analyzed theoretically,HyperMesh and ANSYS WORKBENCH are used to analyze the static, modal and fatigue of the vibrating beam。The results of the theoretical calculation of the vibrating beam are close to those of the linear analysis of statics,theoretical calculation can be used as a preliminary design method;Modal analysis shows that the vibration beam natural frequency is much higher than the operating frequency,No resonance;The working stress, fatigue life and safety factor of the vibrating beam are obtained by fatigue analysis,the maximum cyclic stress analysis is carried out under the condition of satisfying the life requirement,vibratory beam meets the requirements of use。

Key wordsVibratory beamFinite element analysisFatigue lifeSafety factor

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